Cold Hands and Cold Feet are the beginning of all kinds of irregularities!
Unfortunately, electrolytes (the smallest atomic particles) in different mineral variations are lost due to the contamination of drinking water. We complement this loss in drinking water with the frequency supplement of diluted minerals from the Swiss Alps. Therefore, we really add genuine value to a Human's biological system.

Mr. CHAAVA (Founder; Science of Body Heat & Natural Intelligence NI)

Increasing pollution of air laden with positive ions is the main reason for the decline in biodiversity in drinking water. This situation gradually leads to various disorders and diseases in biological systems.

Rising global temperatures are causing permafrost to melt deeper. This will have serious consequences for the environment, civilization and the world climate. When permafrost thaws, microorganisms become active and convert carbon compounds stored in the soil into methane, water vapor and carbon dioxide, which increases the effect of positive ions.
The effects of global warming on air traffic are clearly visible today. Atmospheric changes, such as hurricanes and storm fronts that form increasingly frequently and rapidly, have the greatest impact. This is not only causing storms to increase in frequency, but also causing previously atypical storms to become more intense.
Destroyed forests, extinct species and sick people. The extraction of oil has disrupted the ecological balance and is endangering the survival of many already threatened animal and plant species every day. Another devastating problem of oil is the pollution of our rivers and seas.
Forest fires threaten human life by destroying the habitat of many animal and plant species. Fires also cause high levels of air pollution and thus respiratory diseases. Smoke from wildfires in Canada has recently even reached New York, where air quality has deteriorated significantly. Forests protect groundwater, an important source of drinking water, from pollution. The soil retains pollutants and allows purified water to seep into the depths.
Traces of pesticides from agriculture can now be detected everywhere in drinking water, beer and honey, fruits and vegetables, playground grass and even urine and air. The knowledge that pesticides have a negative impact on human health is certainly not new, and the list of possible dangers is long, as pesticides are considered among the most dangerous environmental toxins in the world. Stay away from fruits and vegetables containing pesticides! The plant absorbs pesticides from the soil and stores them in its own water content; Since the boiling point of pesticide cocktails is around 250°C, pesticides remain in the food or juice even after cooking.
Converting oil and gas into plastic releases toxic gases that pollute the air and impact local communities. But one thing is certain: Plastic often contains additives such as chemical plasticizers and flame retardants that harm marine life and can also reach humans through the food chain. Microplastics enter the environment from various sources and into groundwater as well as water bodies.
Factory farming doesn't just mean great suffering for animals in mega barns. Among other things, they have devastating effects on our health and drinking water. There is no factory farming without drugs! In industrial animal husbandry (mono-culture), animals must grow, gain weight, produce milk or lay eggs in as little space as possible, in the shortest time and with the least amount of human labor. Fast and high performance is the most important criterion for breeding and feeding is designed accordingly. This form of farming makes the animals sick and is useless without large doses of medications such as antibiotics.

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Did you know...

Pure water contains many different mineral particles but in a very diluted form.

Natural drinking water slowly passes through mountain rock layers where it is naturally filtered and enriched with many types of minerals called electrolytes for water conductivity. This supports biological systems to optimally regulate body temperature (37°C)! Because of global warming In a biological system, the conductivity of water decreases as the number of freely moving charge carriers increases. In other words, contamination with conductive minerals or metals can reduce the electrical resistance in water. The higher the resistance, the lower the conductivity in the biological system!

Negative ions form naturally by evaporating from water or the body. 70% of the earth is covered with water and therefore every biological organism (vegetation, animals, humans) consists of 70% water. The relevant HEAT movements (hot-cold) in the body causes water to constantly evaporate. When we breathe or drink water, negative ions are absorbed from the air by the gravitational force of the cells and released back into the air through perspiration and evaporation. Thanks to this cycle, the optimum temperature is created in biological bodies and is constantly regulated at 37°C.
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In a biological system, the conductivity of water decreases as the number of freely moving charge carriers increases. In other words, conductive minerals due to global warming or contamination with metals can reduce the electrical resistance in water. The higher the resistance, the lower the conductivity in the biological system!
Thanks to Science of Body Heat, in naturally pure drinking water We discovered that the biodiversity of minerals found contains many different mineral particles but in a very dilute form (10¯¹²). We complement this loss in drinking water with the frequency supplement of diluted minerals from the Swiss Alps.

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PRIMARY PREVENTION: Water Frequency supplement...

In order to increase the water conductivity of drinking water, we have developed WATER FREQUENCY SUPPLEMENT as a Primary prevention with diluted minerals from the Swiss Alps to compensate for this loss of polluted water.



Why would the Water Frequency Supplement help against excessive acidification of the body when added to drinking water? In other words, since it does not contain chemicals, vitamins or supplements, how is there any evidence that water can memorize dilluted information from minerals?


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